
This page provides information about vendors who provide election and other services. To recommend a service used in your county, use the Contact Us link at the bottom of the page. 

Build Simple Mobile Apps to Collect Data

This website provides simple templates for making mobile apps. Your staff can use the mobile apps to input information that feeds into Google spreadsheets back at the office.

Potential Uses
  • Polling place details (e.g. room dimensions, number of parking spaces)
  • ADA surveys
  • Supply delivery tracking
  • Driver dispatch
  • Voting equipment and supply inventory
  • Early voting worker time sheets
  • Early voting support requests
YouTube Guides:
User Community

Organize and Manage

Potential Uses
  • Organize and track inventory of supplies
  • Planning tools
  • Organize deadlines
  • Create and share forms and manage responses


Potential Uses
  • Organize and track inventory of supplies
  • Planning tools

Manage Timesheets, Staff and Scheduling

Simple In/Out:

Potential Uses
  • Employee timekeeping
  • Employee statuses
  • Early voting staff timesheets
  • Staff tracking of supplies to polling places and early voting sites

Potential Uses

  • Schedule MAT appointments
  • Schedule training and other events
  • Schedule volunteers

Manage Election Tasks and Timelines

Teamwork Projects:

Potential Uses
  • Keep track of deadlines
  • Assign and manage individual and group tasks

Manage Large Volumes of E-mail 

Teamwork Desk:

Potential Uses
  • Assign incoming e-mail to specific staff members
  • Track responses
  • View statistics on e-mail volume, response time, etc.
  • Manage e-mail from anywhere

Mapping Tools

Potential Uses
  • Create maps

Voter Registration Tools

What County Am I In:

Potential Uses
  • Assist with processing voter registrations.

Potential Uses
  • Assist with processing voter registrations.